Tuesday, 8 February 2011

In to the New Year

New Year was party time at our house, Sally was still with us so I had some help in preparation. There had been some sadness after the "Lost One" left, but it was now time to pick myself up and to see the New year in with my good friends.
A party always seems like a good idea at the time you think about it, until it comes to the day, then you get to thinking "who's Idea was this?"as panic starts to set in.
Sally had decided to have her hair done on the morning of the party, bad move! as this took her away all morning, leaving me to try and organise my thoughts about what I should be doing first. By the time she came back I was on my first diazepam and starting to shout at everyone in sight.  I had fetched two of Georges mates who were going to be staying over, they thought they were coming to hang out and play on the play station, they got that wrong!

So the boys started to dismantle my bed, as what is being used as my bedroom at the moment was the dance floor for the party. So there was a slow procession of all my stuff out to one of the old pig sheds. There were intermittent moans from the boys and lots of "are we done yet" by mid afternoon they were aloud free time.

Soon after that Nico arrived with his Disco, so the boys once again had to lend a hand.The party was also a celebration of Nico's Birthday. That took a little while to set up, but in a couple of hours it was all looking good. Shower and change,  except I had neglected to get my clothes out of my draws, and no way could I now get to those draws, this was a bit of a set back! there was then about a hour of me trying every dress on and throwing it off because I had nothing to wear with it, by now I was becoming hysterical about what I could wear. Time to get a drink!. Anyhow settled on a dress, who cares anyway, which is what I love about France.

The Party was a great success, people danced, talked, or sat outside round the chiminera burning logs, kids had a great time and at mid night we all went out onto the street to greet the New Year.

At some point later I started to go into a Panic attack, its funny, my friends seem to see this coming before I did, they kept saying" you ok Chris?" eventually I said, " well No", After a bit of night walking with my mate Heather we got that under control and returned to the Party.

Sally and me finally said goodbye to everybody at about 5am and I crashed out on the sofa at 6am declaring that a good night was had by all. Sally stayed another week, which seemed to be all go as usual ,wood needed cutting for the fire so we saw Sally wielding a chain saw!! scary. She was sooooo tired for days after that.But it has to be said, well done Sal x.

There was just one other incident before Sally left, and that was the suicidal owl, Sally was driving over to our friend Lisa's one evening, when out of the blue crashed a large owl, hitting the top of the car. Sally was beside herself, no sign of the victim afterwards, one assumes he found his resting place. After some debate about this, like," could this have been avoided?" and," was it anyone's fault?" we concluded that the owls time must have been up, and that he chose our car, as he knew sally would send him on his way with care, Bless her!

                                          Wilson wondering what's going on here tonight?
                                           My stripped floor at last!
                                            The Kids having a great time.
                                               Time to Party

                                                     Me and my Girl X
                                               And the night goes on.