Where does the time go? the weeks seem to be flying by so fast already this year. But I am not sad to see the winter past, as I really do not like this cold weather, and the constant battle to keep this house warm.
So the sunny days are a welcome sight, and thoughts of summer just around the corner, I have a good feeling about this summer.
Not so much to say as winter is quiet everywhere here, but still there have been some highlights! Matthew came out to stay for two weeks which was really great, hopefully he will visit again soon, and not think my life is totally mad! I think he injoyed his stay, the boys loved having him here, he too had to use the chainsaw and cut loads of wood for me. We enjoyed some nights out with friends, had some friends over to eat and a good time was had by all. But "plimsolls"in the winter!Matthew? not good here, as its just to cold to stand on the market early in the morning, he quickly donned Georges ski pants, padded shirts and more suitable footwear.
I have battled for years to get Matthew to wear warmer clothes, never a coat! guess its time to give that one up!
My battle to get some finanicial help here is improving, but not without some tramatic action, the last time I visited my social worker, we got nowhere, infact, me and Heather were so frustrated with the whole system, that we both just sat in her office with tears rolling down our faces, how can a country just flatly refuse to give you any help, when you have children to feed, but that is what happens, she said I could not have any emergency payments, no wood for heating, zero! I would have to give up my bussiness and go unimployed then I would get help. She could freeze my depts, which of course I would have to pay back, I think she wanted me off her back. So we walked away with nothing, and I refused to give up my bussiness, as doing that meant a new claim, and most likely the loss of the old claim, with all my back pay,So NO.
So we go to the Bar and have Gin and Tonic! and dicuss our next move to get this system to work for me, which meant we wrote letters to the British Embassy,and sent copies to local MPs, two local maries, and of course all the agencies involved in my case. Action happened almost instantly, my dossier flew off the persons desk it had been sitting on, who had said she couldnt move forward with it before she had a court date to confirm my separation from my husband. well suddenly that was not nessasary, and it was completed and moved forward. The British Embassy rang me to say it was all in place and any more problems to get back to them, all back pay should be paid, so I can pay my depts. Back pay not arrived as yet, but one normal monthy payment has arrived, so I big sigh of relief, and many Gin and Tonics to celebrate later at Heathers.
In an effort to get myself into some sort of presentable shape, I have aquired a few bits of gym equitment,not great, but they work, in a fashion! and have set up what I like to call "The Gym" in the barn, so every day I try to do some workout, even just thinking about it is a workout I have decided! those are the days I don't go into the barn! On top of that I have been walking with my mate round our local lake at St Estephe, beautiful, there is a raft boat to cross over the lake, which also involves pulling yourself across, all good from the fitness point of view. Can not really see any results from all this effort yet! but maybe its difficult to see change in yourself unless its dramatic, which brings me onto my next subject.
This Year is a time of change for me, so I decided to do something about it, and what fun it has been! I signed up on a dateing agency, well why not! we have had much amusment in looking for a suitable victim! it was no easy task, as when looking at men around the same age, many looked like......well! Your Grandad, which of course many are, except we don't see ourselves the same somehow. we still think we look...., sort of, younger, and we still think"like" we, "are" young, but, wake up and smell the roses Christine!!! I am not young any more, but not looking to bad I think, on a good day! in a good light! and with dark glasses on!
So there were some potential victims interested, sent a photo to a few, who were keen, some got back to me, some didnt, obviously I looked scary, bad photo perhaps, or even their computor may have broke! they were to short anyway, difficult to find a tall french man!
But then I got a green flash( bad word to use,but thats what you get) from someone who "Rocked my Boat" "Lit my fire"just his eyes said "write to me", so I did, or should I say, we did, as french writing is beyond me sometimes. but got round that problem, and he writes some english anyway, and "Hay" we have google translate! he lives 3 hours away, so we agree to meet half way.This was a most nerve racking experience,and it took more than a few diazipam to keep the nerves at bay, I think I should of offered him some as he was shaking like a leaf also! I have been wined and dined a few times now and he is soooo nice. So "watch this space" not saying any more on that subject yet.
Yesterday was a first for me, and not a pleasant one! our foss septic had blocked up, no man here now to sort this out, so had to get on with it, after taking the covers off the inspection places in the garden, I could see that not much was happening, so gloves on and very long hose pipe, wedged the ball cock down in the toilet, so the water ran continuously, eventually with a lot of wangling of the hose pipe the blockage cleared, not pleasant,! but job done. And a very long shower afterwards! Life in rural France, every day a new experience! But roll on mains drains!
So that's all for now, keep in touch.X
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